Christ Church Cathedral | Catedral de Cristo
My pledge for 2025 | Mi Promesa para 2025
Name | Nombre
Email Address | Email
Phone | Telefono
Street | Calle
City | Ciudad
State | Estado
What is your total pledge estimate for 2025 // Cuanto es tu promesa total por el 2025?
I prefer to give weekly
I prefer to give monthly
I prefer to give annually
Pledge Envelopes
I do not need envelopes
Please give me envelopes
I want to give electronically // Quiero hacer mi donacion con mi banco o tarjeta
I will set up electronic giving through my bank
I would like to pledge some of my time and talent to the following ministries
Livestreaming the service
Buildings and grounds
Outreach ministries
Finances and Fundraising
Visiting those in need
Helping behind the scenes with the Flower Guild or Altar Guild
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