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Leaders Plus Fellowship Cross Sector Application Form

Thank you for applying to join the Leaders Plus Fellowship Cross Sector Programme.

By joining the Fellowship, you are becoming part of a global community of change makers who believe that no parent should have to choose between progressing ambitious careers and family.

If you would benefit from arranging a call to talk through your application or ask a question about the Fellowship, including how to secure funding, then please schedule some time with Jo Denoris who would be very happy to support you. 

We have a number of useful documents available to assist you in securing employer funding for your place on the Fellowship, including an overview for employers and a sample funding request template.

How to Apply

  • This application form should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.
  • If you would like to save and return to your application before submitting then quickly and easily create an account here.
  • We encourage you apply as soon as possible to our Fellowship programme as places fill fast. 
  • Please be advised we operate a rolling application process meaning that if successful at interview stage you will be offered a place on the next available programme. Typically we run programmes which start in May and January each year.
  • Once you have submitted your application you will receive an email from us to confirm the next steps.

If you have any questions about completing this application form or the Fellowship then please email and a member of the team will be delighted to help.

We wish you the best of luck with your application!

The Leaders Plus Team

Applying for the Leaders Plus Fellowship

The Fellowship is not always suitable for everyone. We advise prospective applicants to take a careful look at the statements below and ensure they ALL resonate with you before applying.

Before you start the application we want to make sure you meet the requirements for the Fellowship. Please confirm the following statements: *

General Information

Which programme are you applying for? *
If selected for the Fellowship, face to face events will likely take place in London. However, if we have enough interest to run a group in Birmingham or Manchester we will. Please indicate your first preference here. *
If Manchester was not available would you be able to attend face to face sessions in London or Birmingham? *
If Birmingham was not available would you be able to attend face to face sessions in London or Manchester? *
How did you find out about the Fellowship? *
Do you listen to the Big Careers, Small Children podcast? *
Which of the following most accurately describes you? *
What is your ethnic group? We use this information for reporting purposes only and will not be using your answers as part of the selection process for a place on the Leaders Plus Programme

Career Information

Which sector do you currently work in? *
What is your current employment status? *
Are you currently on maternity/adoption/shared parental leave? *


Please indicate below how you intend to fund the Fellowship.  *
If you would like help with asking your employer for funding please book a call with Jo Denoris here or email *
Please confirm you meet the hardship fund criteria below.

We aim to make the Fellowship accessible to all and have a small number of heavily subsidised places available for ambitious parents facing hardship and who's development can not be supported by their employer - for example, you may be working in unsecure employment or have recently been made redundant. The cost of a hardship-funded place is £90 plus VAT.

Please use the below criteria to ascertain if you are eligible for consideration of a hardship fund place. If none apply, but you feel you have a strong reason, please indicate below. We particularly encourage working parents who are from backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in senior leadership roles to apply for these places, e.g. from minoritized backgrounds, who live with a disability, who identify as from a working class background or who are solo parents.  If this applies to you and you are unable to self fund and cannot secure employer funding but do not meet the criteria below please select that box.

Must fulfill at least 2 of these criteria:

- I am a single parent in receipt of Universal Credit
- I am struggling to regularly meet the basic needs of a child I am responsible for. ‘Basic needs’ include accommodation, heating, food and hygiene.
- I have unpaid caring responsibilities (outside of being a parent)
- I have used a Food Bank in the past 6 months
- My child /children are eligible for free school meals AND must fulfill one of these criteria:
- I am not currently employed
- I do not have secure employment *

Fellowship Questions

The Fellowship is a selective programme so we encourage you to provide well considered and fully developed answers to these questions which are designed to find out more about your alignment with the Fellowship and your motivations for applying.

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Leaders Plus Principles

If you are successful with your application, are you happy to agree to the following responsibilities: *

Privacy Statement

We are careful with the information you give us. Please see our privacy policy. You can withdraw your permission at any time. Please email us if you would like to withdraw permission.
I am happy for you to store my data in line with the privacy policy and contact me in relation to the Fellowship *
Would you like to sign up to our monthly newsletter? You can unsubscribe at any time and we never spam! *
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