Sport Ireland Ethics

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As you are an affiliated body to the sport of Cricket Ireland you are required to complete this Safeguarding Club Self-Assessment Framework. This process involves providing your National Governing Body with evidence that you have the relevant Safeguarding policies and procedures in place. It will also enable you to demonstrate your compliance with any obligations that your National Governing Body may have under relevant legislation/best practice in your jurisdiction (Republic of Ireland / Northern Ireland). 

How to use this Self-Assessment Tool

  • Identify a named senior person with lead responsibility to complete this Self-Assessment Tool.
  • All sections to be completed in full.

  • Where response is “Fully Met”, please provide supporting evidence in the space provided.

  • Supporting evidence can be provided in the following ways:

    • entering text in the evidence box; or
    • by providing a link to the relevant document or policies in the evidence box>
  • Where response is “Not Met” or “Partially Met”, please provide further information in the space provided.


Please Note: on completion, this document will be submitted to your National Governing Body via this online system. Your National Governing Body will review your submission and provide you with feedback, guidance & support where necessary. 

Contact details for all National Children’s Officers can be found on the Sport Ireland website via the following link:

Statutory Agencies Contact Details: 

Republic of Ireland: 


Northern Ireland: 

Are you a provider of a relevant service? ** *

* the Relevant Person is the first point of contact in respect of the club’s Child Safeguarding Statement 

** “Organisations that have statutory responsibilities under the Children First Act 2015 are those that provide a relevant service to children and young people. The types of organisations and services to which the legislation applies include…..Any work or activity which involves providing: Educational, research, training, cultural, recreational, leisure, social or physical activities to children…”1

1 Children First National Guidance for the Welfare and Protection of Children 2017, page 31: