Surrey Staff Carers Survey


Carers UK define a Carer as anyone who looks after family, partners or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail or have a disability. The care they provide is unpaid.
This includes adults looking after other adults, parent carers looking after disabled children and young carers under 18 years of age. Many carers combine caring with other responsibilities, for examples combining work with caring or looking after their children and older or disabled relatives.
3 in 5 people will be carers at some point in their lives. According to the national census 3 million people combine work with caring that equates to 1 in 7 members of staff in any organisation. The 2020 NHS staff survey evidenced that 1 in 3 staff combined working with caring.
We want to hear from all staff whether they are carers or not, on how we can better support them achieve a healthier work life balance.
By completing this survey you will be helping to inform our plans to become a 'carer friendly' employer.
Please note that all responses will be anonymised and this survey will not record any personal details.

About you

Do you manage a staff team?
Do you or have you in the last 12 months cared for someone who has additional support needs who couldn't have managed without you?
What sex are you?
Who do you care for?
 Tick all option relevant to you
Other relatives
What phrase best describes your caring role?
What best describes the place you provide care?
 Please tick all statements that are relevant to you
I am not a carer
I live with the person/s I care for
The person/s I care for lives within a 30min travel time
The person/s I care for lives over 2 hours travel time from me
The person/s I care for lives abroad
In the past 12 months has your caring role affected your health in anyway? This includes mental health.
In the last 12 months have you had to take any time off sick due to pressures of caring and working affecting your health?

About Your Employment

Are you employed:
What if any, has been the impact of caring on your work? (please tick all that apply)

Is your line manager aware of your caring responsibilities?
If you answered 'Yes' to the last question did you receive any advice from your line manager on the options available to you or help to accommodate your caring role?

In the last 12 months have you needed to change or be flexible with your usual working pattern in order to support your caring role (e.g. attend appointments visiting times?)
In the last 12 months have you taken any kind of leave to support your caring role? (e.g. attend appointments, visiting times etc) Please tick on all boxes that apply
In the past 12 months have you applied for flexible working to accommodate your caring role? (e.g. have you requested a reduction in contractual work hours, a short career break, or working from home)
In the past 12 months have you considered retiring early to accommodate your caring role?

Policies and Support in your organisation

Are you aware if your organisation has a Carers Policy?
Are you aware if your organisation has a Flexible Working Policy?
Are you aware of the staff Carers information page(s) on the intranet?
Did you find the information useful?
Have you been signposted to carers support services by your line manager?

Future Plans (For Carers and non Carers)

Would you be interested in joining a staff carers forum?
Would you be interested in being part of a staff carers peer support group?
Would you use a regular staff drop in session to receive confidential one to one support?

Supporting your staff team

As a manager of staff do you feel confident in your knowledge and ability to support staff who are carers?
Would you be interested in receiving carer awareness training.(please tick as many options as you like)?