Veteran friendley GP practice accreditation


Carers look after family, partners or friends in need of help because they are ill, frail or have a disability. The care they provide is unpaid.  Carers UK Definition

Carer Information

Please fill in this form to refer the Carer for a Carer's Prescription Service. In the section below please complete only the Carer's Details. Please record if the Carer declines (in which case no further data is required)

The personal information you provide in this form will be shared with Surrey Independent Living Charity and/or Action for Carers (Surrey). They will use the information to contact you to discuss the support and assistance they can provide to you via the Carer’s Prescription Service.
They will ensure that all personal information on this form is kept secure and processed only in accordance with current data protection legislation. You can contact them if you have any queries about how they use your personal information.
Please tick one of the boxes below to confirm that agreement has been obtained or declined to share carers information with Surrey independent Living Council and Action for Carers Surrey
If the Carer does not want a GP prescription we are unable to process the precription in accordance with current data protection legislation. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT THIS FORM IF YOU SEE THIS MESSAGE

Fair Processing Notice

I declare that the carer or the young carers family has received a copy of the Fair Processing Notice *

Carer's Details

Please tick here if the Carer is caring for someone in end of life circumstances
Are there any other Carers in the household (details of other carers will be picked up as part of the assessment process?

Young Carer's (5 to 18 years)

Please tick here if parental consent is required by your organisational policy . For more information please reference the Gillick Competency and Fraser Guidelines.
Are you referring a young carer
Is the young carer Gillick Competent?
Do the family wish to have a service

GP Practice Details

Equalities Monitoring

Carer's Prescription (Type of Service Needed)

Type of Service (s) requested 🛈
 Tick the item(s) below
Carer's Information Pack
Adult Carer's Support
Young Carer's Support
Personal Health Budget (formally GP Carer Break)
Carers Flu Vaccination Voucher (Oct to March)

Carer Breaks Services and Carer Emergency Care Planning Service

The following services are also open to Carers across the county:

Carer Replacement Breaks  - It’s important that carers are able to take some time out of their caring role and have a short break. Crossroads hasa team of Carer Support Workers to deliver replacement breaks for loved ones, either at home or within the community. Carers are able to take advantage of a one off 35 hour of allocated breaks services.

Emergency Care Planning Service - By Carers registering with the service, they can nominate trusted contacts whom would be contacted to provide emergency support if the carer became ill or being admitted into hospital on an unplanned basis etc. If no one is available from the contacts, they are provided up to 48 hours’ round the clock care with fully-trained staff members to step in to provide care free of charge. 
End of Life Carer Breaks - End of Life Carer breaks are available to carers caring for someone with a life-limiting illness. This breaks service that Crossroads Care provides is unlimited for carers to take a break in what is a extreamly difficult time
If you wish to refer the carer to one of these services please tick the relevant box(s)
Last Updated V10 May 2022