Jamboree Attendance Form

Please fill out this form to confirm or decline your attendance for this season's Mini's Jamboree!
Information and Rules about Jamboree (please read):
- Will take place on June 22nd (June 23rd if rain out). Location TBD. 
- Teams who attend will play one game and then coaches will receive medals to present to their team(s) 
- This event is for U5, U7 & U9
- This event is free for teams to attend! 
- The schedule for the event will be released by June 7th.
- If you confirm your attendance, you cannot drop out of the event as facilities will be paid for and teams will already be confirmed. If you decide to cancel or no show for the event, your team/community will be responsible for paying for the booking.
- We need a form completed with a YES or NO response from every U5, U7, U9 team.
- If your team is not attending, medals can be picked up from the EMSA North office during office hours
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