Dr. Sophia Blum Future Clinician Awards
Named in honor of the child who inspired Dr. Shipon-Blum’s work, this award recognizes graduate students who have an interest in working with individuals with selective mutism, social anxiety, or shyness in the future as clinicians, teachers, psychologists, counselors, physicians, etc. Applicants should submit a personal statement describing their knowledge, experience, and previous work with individuals with selective mutism and related disorders, and their future plans to work in this field. Award recipients will receive free registration to the conference and will be recognized during the conference.Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum Professional AwardsThese awards are intended for professionals who are working with individuals with selective mutism and/or related social communication disorders. Professionals may be teachers, speech-language pathologists, mental health clinicians, psychologists, school administrators, occupational therapists, physicians, etc. The purpose of this award is to inspire clinicians to pursue their interests in selective mutism and gain knowledge in Social Communication Anxiety Treatment (S-CAT)®. Applicants should submit a personal statement describing their knowledge, experience, and work with individuals with selective mutism and related disorders. Award recipients will receive free registration to the conference and will be recognized during the conference.Directions: Please complete this application and submit with the additional materials necessary for the award (see above descriptions). Applications should be submitted by March 24th, 2025.