Update the SMart Center!

The SMart Center team encourages regular updates since information presented will help guide your S-CAT® program.   We recommended at least weekly for families in active treatment with us!  A successful submission confirms that your information has been sent directly to the team.   Any questions will be addressed during your next scheduled consultation.

If you have any goal/game chart or photos, please bring with you to your next follow up consultation or attached them below!  (If you have IEP, 504 or other documents you need reviewed, please bring with you for review during your consultation, OR, contact our office (admin@selectivemutismcenter.org) and these documents, etc. can be reviewed on a fee for service basis)

If your question cannot wait, please email: SmartCenter@SelectiveMutismCenter.org Thank you!

We’re here for you!

I am writing this update as a: *

Copyright © 2013 Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum and Selective Mutism Anxiety Research and Treatment Center, Inc. (SMart Center) – www.selectivemutismcenter.org.  215-887-5748 
All rights reserved.
This material is part of Dr. Elisa Shipon-Blum’s Social Communication Anxiety Treatment® (S-CAT)® and is used under license.