The Human Process
Live (In Person)
Tai Chi Class Registration Form
Fall 2024 Semester
St. Mark's Church, 1509 Ridge Ave., Evanston, IL
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Mobile Phone Number
Our Fall 2024 IN-PERSON Class Schedule
Please review each class listing and choose the classes you would like to attend.
These classes will be held at St. Mark's Church, 1509 Ridge Ave., Evanston, IL
Free Introduction to Tai Chi - IN PERSON
Saturday, September 7th (One Day)
11:00 am - 12:30 pm CT
New Student & Repeat Students (FREE)
(B1) Beginning Tai Chi - IN PERSON
Saturdays, September 14th - November 23rd (No Class Oct 12th)
11:00 am - 12:15 pm CT
Taught by Laurie Carver and Karen Gallagher
New Students ($175)
Repeat Students ($75)
(B3) Beginning Tai Chi - IN PERSON
Saturdays, September 14th - November 23rd (No Class Oct 12th)
10:00 am - 11:15 am CT
Taught by Laurie Carver and Linda Bisberg
New Students ($150)
Repeat Students ($75)
(PH1/IF) Tai Chi Push Hands 1 & Intermediate Form - IN PERSON
Saturdays, September 14th - November 23rd (October 12th No Class)
11:00 am - 12:15 pm CT
Taught by Patrice Wooldridge and Patrick Wooldridge
New Students ($150)
Repeat Students ($75)
Additional Questions
Please read the following conditions for your safety and participation:
I take responsibility for my own health and well-being in participating in these classes. I
participate at my own risk.
I am aware that nothing in these sessions is intended as medical guidance.
I agree that I will not write down, record in any fashion or teach (without approval from a TCF instructor) the material that I am learning.
I understand that after the first class, my tuition is non-refundable. In the event a program is cancelled, I will receive a pro-rata refund of the program fee.
Do you agree to the above conditions regarding your safety and participation?
I agree
Which of the following best describes your experience with tai chi:
I have little to no experience with tai chi or qigong
I have limited experience with tai chi and/or qigong but haven't ever taken B1
I have taken the B1 course before but not B2
I have take B1 and B2 but not B3
I have taken classes to learn the whole form (B 1, B2 and B3)
How did you learn about this class (check all that apply):
A friend or family member suggested this class
I found the listing at the Tai Chi Foundation website
A TCF affiliate teacher or location let me know about this class
Saw a flyer posted at St. Marks and/or some other location
I have received emails from The Human Process
I saw a listing on Facebook, Instagram or other social media
I understand that by signing up for this class I will be receiving emails to update me on this class and future classes offered by The Human Process. We will not sell your data or use it for any purpose beyond updates on tai chi classes.
I agree
Forms like this don't always have answers that fit your personal situation. With that, please share with us any further information you would like us to know about you.