Sales Collateral

One week lead time needed. PDFs of all flyers can be found here.
During this busy back-to-school and symposia season, we many not be able to accommodate a 1 - 2 day delivery time.
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While originally created for Physics and Engineering, this postcard could work for any discipline.
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Windmill Sticker
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Keplers Law Sticker
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Business Unit for Product Flyers for 2025 Release and traditional revision
Product flyers PDFs can be found HERE *
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Please select the BEC Product Flyers you would like and how many you need.
Agnihotri/Krush (FKA Futrell), ABC's of Relationship Selling through Service
Baltzan, M: Information Systems, 8e
Baltzan, Business Driven Technology, 11e
Bamford, Entrepreneurship: The Art, Science, And Process For Success
Barnes, Law for Business
Bateman, M: Management
Bateman, Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World
Baye, Managerial Economics & Business Strategy
Belch, Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective
Bennett-Alexander, Employment Law for Business
Blocher, Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis
Block, Foundations of Financial Management
Bodie, Essentials of Investments
Bowerman, Business Statistics and Analytics in Practice
Brealey, Principles of Corporate Finance
Brewer, Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Brue, Essentials of Economics
Budd, Labor Relations: Striking a Balance
Cachon, Operations Management
Camp, College English and Business Communication
Cannon, Essentials of Marketing
Cardon, Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World
Cascio, Managing Human Resources
Castleberry, Selling: Building Partnerships
Cecchetti, Money, Banking and Financial Markets
Certo, Supervision: Concepts and Skill-Building
Christ, Cost Accounting: A Data Analytics Approach
Christensen, Advanced Financial Accounting
Colander, Economics
Colander, Macroeconomics
Colander, Microeconomics
Colquitt, Organizational Behavior: Improving Performance and Commitment in the Workplace
Cornett, Finance: Applications and Theory
Crawford, New Products Management
De Janasz, Interpersonal Skills in Organizations
Dess, Strategic Management: Creating Competitive Advantages
Dess, Strategic Management: Text and Cases
Doane, Applied Statistics in Business and Economics
Doh, International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
Edmonds, Fundamental Financial Accounting Concepts
Edmonds, Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts
Edmonds, Introductory Financial Accounting for Business
Ferrell, Business Foundations: A Changing World
Ferrell, M: Business
Field, Environmental Economics, An Introduction
Frank, Microeconomics and Behavior
Frank, Principles of Economics
Frank, Principles of Economics: A Streamlined Approach
Frank, Principles of Macroeconomics
Frank, Principles of Macroeconomics, A Streamlined Approach
Frank, Principles of Microeconomics
Frank, Principles of Microeconomics, A Streamlined Approach
Gamble, Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage
Garrison, Managerial Accounting
George, Contemporary Management
Geringer, International Business
Ghillyer, Business Ethics Now
Grewal, M: Marketing
Grewal, Marketing
Hair, Essentials of Marketing Analytics
Hartman, Business Ethics: Decision Making for Personal Integrity & Social Responsibility
Hill, Global Business Today
Hill, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace
Hisrich, Entrepreneurship
Holcombe, Survey of Operating Systems
Hughes, Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience
Hunt, Marketing
Hunt, Professional Selling
Jacobs, Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core
Jaggia, Business Analytics
Jones, Essentials of Contemporary Management
Jones, Principles of Taxation for Business and Investment Planning 2026 Edition
Kapoor, Focus on Personal Finance
Kapoor, Personal Finance
Karlan, Economics
Karlan, Macroeconomics
Karlan, Microeconomics
Kay, Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Online
Kerin, Marketing
Kerin, Marketing: The Core
Kinicki, Management: A Practical Introduction
Kubasek, Dynamic Busines Law: The Essentials
Kubasek, Dynamic Business Law
Lamberton, Human Relations
Lanen, Fundamentals of Cost Accounting
Larson, Project Management: A Socio-Technical Approach
Lawrence, Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy
Lentz, Business Communication: A Problem-Solving Approach
Lewicki, Essentials of Negotiation
Libby, Financial Accounting, 12e
Lind, Basic Statistics in Business and Economics
Liuzzo, Essentials of Business Law
Locker, Business Communication
Louwers, Auditing & Assurance Services
Lussier, Human Relations in Organizations: Applications and Skill Building
BEC Continued: Please select the BEC Product Flyers you would like and how many you need.
Mandel, M: Economics, The Basics
Manning, The Art of Leadership
Marshall, Accounting: What the Numbers Mean
Marshall, Marketing Management
McAdams, Law, Business and Society
McConnell, Economics
McConnell, Macroeconomics
McConnell, Microeconomics
McShane, M: Organizational Behavior
McShane, Organizational Behavior: Emerging Knowledge. Global Reality
Melvin, Business Law and Strategy
Melvin, The Legal Environment of Business, A Managerial Approach: Theory to Practice
Messier Jr., Auditing & Assurance Services: A Systematic Approach
Mintz, Ethical Obligations and Decision-Making in Accounting: Text and Cases
Nickels, Understanding Business
Nickels, Understanding Business: The Core
Noe, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Noe, Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage
Nordell, Microsoft Access 365 Complete: In Practice, 2025 Edition
Nordell, Microsoft Excel 365 Complete: In Practice, 2025 Edition
Nordell, Microsoft Office 365: In Practice, 2025 Edition
Nordell, Microsoft Outlook 365 Complete: In Practice, 2025 Edition
Nordell, Microsoft PowerPoint 365 Complete: In Practice, 2025 Edition
Nordell, Microsoft Word 365 Complete: In Practice, 2025 Edition
Noreen, Managerial Accounting for Managers
O'Leary, Computing Essentials 2025
Pagnattaro, The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business
Phillips, Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
Prenkert, Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and Digital Environment
Reck, Accounting for Governmental & Nonprofit Entities
Resutek, Financial Statement Analysis: A Data Analytics Approach
Revsine, Financial Reporting and Analysis
Richardson, Introduction to Business Analytics
Richardson, Data Analytics for Accounting
Ross, Corporate Finance
Ross, Essentials of Corporate Finance
Ross, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
Rothaermel, Strategic Management
Sachdev, Digital Marketing
Saunders, Financial Markets and Institutions
Schiller, Essentials of Economics
Schiller, The Economy Today
Schiller, The Macroeconomy Today
Schiller, The Microeconomy Today
Schindler, Business Research Methods
Schroeder, Operations Management In The Supply Chain: Sustainability and Resilience
Slater, Practical Business Math Procedures
Slavin, Economics
Slavin, Macroeconomics
Slavin, Microeconomics
Spiceland, Financial Accounting
Spiceland, Intermediate Accounting
Spilker, McGraw Hill's Essentials of Federal Taxation 2026 Edition
Spilker, McGraw Hill's Taxation of Business Entities 2026 Edition
Spilker, McGraw Hill's Taxation of Individuals 2026 Edition
Spilker, McGraw Hill's Taxation of Individuals and Business Entities 2026 Edition
Stevenson, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Sukys, Business Law with UCC Applications
Thomas, Financial Accounting for Managers
Thompson, Crafting & Executing Strategy: The Quest for Competitive Advantage: Concepts and Cases
Thompson, Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts
Triad, Microsoft Office 365: A Skills Approach, 2025 Edition
Weigold, Contemporary Advertising
Weigold, M: Advertising
Whitecotton, Managerial Accounting
Whittington, Principles of Auditing & Other Assurance Services
Wild, Financial Accounting Fundamentals
Wild, Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions
Wild, Financial and Managerial Accounting
Wild, Fundamental Accounting Principles
Wild, Managerial Accounting
Wild, Principles of Financial Accounting (Chapters 1-17)
Yacht, Computer Accounting with QuickBooks Online: A Cloud Based Approach
Please select the HSSL Product Flyers you would like and how many you need.
Adler, Criminology
Amon, Vis-a-vis: Beginning French
Amores, Experience Spanish
Anderson, En avant! Beginning French
Andrade, Tu mundo
Baran, Introduction to Mass Communication
Belton, American Cinema/American Culture
Bentley, Traditions & Encounters Volume 1 From the Beginning to 1500
Bentley, Traditions & Encounters Volume 2 from 1500 to the Present
Bentley, Traditions & Encounters: A Brief Global History
Bentley, Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past
Bordens, Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People
Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People Volume 1
Brinkley, The Unfinished Nation: A Concise History of the American People Volume 2
Channell, Engaging Questions: A Guide to Writing
Cherlin, Public and Private Families: An Introduction
Coakley, Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies
Cohen, Psychological Testing and Assessment
Croteau, Experience Sociology
Cushner, Human Diversity in Education
Davidson, U.S.: A Narrative History
Di Donato, Deutsch Na Klar!
Dorwick, Puntos de Partida
Fahey, Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness, 16e
Feist, Psychology: Perspectives & Connections
Feist, Theories of Personality
Feldman, POWER: Fundamentals of Student Success, 6e
Feldman, POWER: Strategies for Success in College and Life
Feldman, Essentials of Understanding Psychology
Feldman, Psychology and Your Life with P.O.W.E.R Learning
Feldman, Understanding Psychology
Fields, Drugs in Perspective: Causes, Assessment, Family, Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment
Fiero, Landmarks in Humanities
Floyd, Communication Matters
Floyd, Interpersonal Communication
Foerster, Punto y aparte
Garland, Criminal Law for the Criminal Justice Professional
Goldfarb, The Theatre Experience
Gonzalez-Mena, Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers: A Curriculum of Respectful, Responsive, Relationship-Based Care and Education
Goodall, Conéctate: Introductory Spanish
Goode, Drugs in American Society
Graham, Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education
Greenberg, Comprehensive Stress Management
Gregory, Public Speaking for College & Career
Hall, Basic Biomechanics
Harrison, American Democracy Now
Harrison, American Democracy Now, Essentials
Henkin, Becoming America
Hocker, Interpersonal Conflict
Hoeffner, Common Places: Integrated Reading and Writing
Hoeffner, The Writer's Mindset
Hoelscher, Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills
Howard, Writing Matters: A Handbook for Writing and Research (Comprehensive Edition with Exercises)
Insel, Connect Core Concepts in Health, BIG, BOUND Edition
Insel, Connect Core Concepts in Health, BRIEF, BOUND Edition
Jennings, Nolen Hoeksema's Introduction to Psychopathology
Kamien, Music: An Appreciation
Kamien, Music: An Appreciation, Brief Edition
King, Experience Psychology
Kottak, Anthropology: Appreciating Human Diversity
Kottak, Cultural Anthropology
Kuehner, Writing to Read, Reading to Write
Langan, College Writing Skills with Readings
Liguori, Questions and Answers: A Guide to Fitness and Wellness
Lucas, The Art of Public Speaking
Lumpkin, Introduction to Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport
HSSL Continued: Please select the HSSL Product Flyers you would like and how many you need.
Magill, Motor Learning and Control: Concepts and Applications
Maimon, A Writer's Resource (comb-version) Student Edition
Martin, Experiencing Intercultural Commuication: An Introduction
Martin, Intercultural Communication in Contexts
Martorell, Child
Martorell, Life: The Essentials of Human Development
McGraw Hill, Connect Composition Essentials
McGraw Hill, Connect Integrated Reading and Writing
Moore, Critical Thinking
Mora, The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy
Myers, Social Psychology
Newman, Identities and Inequalities: Exploring the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, & Sexuality
Olson, Marriages and Families: Intimacy, Diversity, and Strengths
Palmer, Does the Center Hold? An Introduction to Western Philosophy
Papalia/Martorell, Experience Human Development
Patterson, We The People
Pearson (Titsworth and Hosek), Human Communication
Pence, Medical Ethics: Accounts of Ground-Breaking Cases
Perez-Girones, MÁS
Quadagno, Aging and the Life Course: An Introduction to Social Gerontology
Rink, Teaching Physical Education for Learning
Roen, The McGraw-Hill Guide: Writing for College, Writing for Life
Rosenstand, The Moral of the Story: An Introduction to Ethics
Russell, Write Now
Santrock, A Topical Approach to Life-Span Development
Santrock, Adolescence
Santrock, Child Development: An Introduction
Santrock, Children
Santrock, Educational Psychology
Santrock, Essentials of Life-Span Development
Santrock, Life-Span Development
Sawyer, Ambientes
Sawyer, Contextos
Schaefer, Sociology in Modules
Schaefer, Sociology Matters
Schaefer, Sociology: A Brief Introduction
Schmalleger, Corrections in the 21st Century
Seyler, Read, Reason, Write
Sparling, iHealth
Steinberg, Adolescence
Stewart, Interviewing: Principles and Practices
Taylor, Exceptional Students: Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century
Taylor, Health Psychology
Teague, Your Health Today: Choices in a Changing Society
Telljohan (Seabert), Health Education: Elementary and Middle School Applications
Terrell, Deux Mondes
Thompson, Film History: An Introduction
Tschirner, Kontakte
Walker, The Police in America: An Introduction
Welk, Corbin's Concepts of Fitness And Wellness: A Comprehensive Lifestyle Approach
West, Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application
Whitbourne, Psychological Disorders: Clinical Perspectives
Witt, SOC 2024
Yarber, Human Sexuality
Please select the SEM Product Flyers you would like and how many you need.
Abbott, Natural Disasters
Allan, Essentials of Medical Language
American Chemical Society, Chemistry in Context
Anderson, Nester's Microbiology: A Human Perspective
Arny, Explorations: Introduction to Astronomy
Basco, Medical Language for Modern Health Care
Bauer, Introduction to Chemistry
Bauer, University Physics with Modern Physics
Bayes, Medical Office Procedures
Beer, Statics and Mechanics of Materials
Beer, Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics
Bertoline, Fundamentals of Solid Modeling and Graphic Communication
Bidlack, Stern's Introductory Plant Biology
Bjelland, Human Geography
Bjelland, Introduction to Geography
Bluman, Elementary Statistics: A Brief Version
Bluman, Elementary Statistics: A Step By Step Approach
Booth, Electrocardiography for Healthcare Professionals
Booth, Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Procedures
Booth, Phlebotomy: A Competency Based Approach
Bostwick, Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice
Brooker, Biology
Brooker, Concepts of Genetics
Brooker, Genetics: Analysis and Principles
Brooker, Principles of Biology
Brown, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design
Burdge, Chemistry
Burdge, Chemistry: Atoms First
Burdge, Introductory Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach
Byers, Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise
Byrd-Bredbenner, Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition
Byrd-Bredbenner, Wardlaw's Perspectives in Nutrition: A Functional Approach
Castro, Marine Biology
Cengel, Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences
Cengel, Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications
Chess, Laboratory Applications in Microbiology: A Case Study Approach
Chess, Talaro's Foundations in Microbiology
Collene, Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition
Collene, Wardlaw's Contemporary Nutrition: A Functional Approach
Cowan, Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach
Cowan, Microbiology: A Systems Approach
Cunningham, Principles of Environmental Science
Cunningham, Environmental Science
Darwin, Design of Concrete Structures
Denniston, General, Organic, and Biochemistry
Eckel, Lab Manual to accompany McKinley's Anatomy & Physiology
Eide, Engineering Fundamentals and Problem Solving
Enger, Environmental Science
Ensign, Practice Management and EHR: A Total Patient Encounter
Finkelstein, Technical Writing for Engineers & Scientists
Fowler, Electricity: Principles and Applications
Fox, Human Physiology
Frenzel, Principles of Electronics Communication
Gauwitz, Administering Medications
Giambattista, College Physics
Giambattista, Physics
Goldberg, Genetics: From Genes to Genomes
Gottfried, Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers Using Excel
Griffith, Physics of Everyday Phenomena
Hickman, Animal Diversity
Hickman, Integrated Principles of Zoology
Hitner, Pharmacology: An Introduction
Hoefnagels, Biology: Concepts and Investigations
Hoefnagels, Biology: The Essentials
Holtzapple, Foundations of Engineering
Howard, Introduction to Solid Modeling Using SOLIDWORKS 2025
Johnson, Essentials of The Living World
Johnson, The Living World
Jones, Acquiring Medical Language
Jones, Medical Language Accelerated
Judson, Law & Ethics for Health Professions
Kay, Farm Management
Keck, Nutrition For Healthy Living
LaPres, Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
LaPres, Gunstream's Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Textbook Essentials Version
Leet, Fundamentals of Structural Analysis
Levetin, Plants and Society
Lewis, Human Genetics
Lisa, The Physics of Sports
Longenbaker, Mader's Understanding Human Anatomy & Physiology
SEM Continued: Please select the SEM Product Flyers you would like and how many you need.
Mader, Human Biology
Mader, Inquiry into Life
Mader, Biology
Mader, Essentials of Biology
Malvino, Electronic Principles
Mason, Understanding Biology
McKinley, Anatomy & Physiology: An Integrative Approach
McKinley, Human Anatomy
Miller, Prealgebra
Miller, Prealgebra & Introductory Algebra
Miller, Zoology
Moini, Medical Assisting Review
Montgomery, Environmental Geology
Moore, Six Ideas That Shaped Physics
Musto, Engineering Computation: An Introduction Using MATLAB and Excel
Navidi, Elementary Statistics
Navidi, Essential Statistics
Neamen, Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design
Obenauf, Laboratory Manual for Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach
Overby, Chemistry
Palm III, MATLAB for Engineering Applications
Petruzella, Programmable Logic Controllers
Plesha, Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics
Plummer, Physical Geology
Price, Mastering ArcGIS Pro
Raven, Biology
Rawson, Williams' Nutrition for Health Fitness and Sport
Reichard, Environmental Geology
Reynolds, Exploring Earth Science
Reynolds, Exploring Geology
Reynolds, Exploring Physical Geography
Roiger, Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease: Foundations for the Health Professions
Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
Saladin, Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function
Saladin, Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
Saladin, Human Anatomy
Schiff, Nutrition Essentials: A Personal Approach
Schneider, Pathways to Astronomy
Schuler, Electronics: Principles and Applications
Shade, Interpreting ECGs: A Practical Approach
Shanholtzer, Integrated Electronic Health Records
Sher, Ecology: Concepts and Applications
Silberberg, Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change
Smith, Organic Chemistry, 7e
Smith, Principles of General, Organic, & Biological Chemistry
Smith, Benson's Microbiological Applications Laboratory Manual
Sobecki, Math in Our World
Sobecki, Math in Our World: A Corequisite Approach
Sobecki, Math in Our World: A Quantitative Reasoning Approach
Stephenson, Human Nutrition: Science for Healthy Living
Sverdrup, Investigating Oceanography
Tillery, Integrated Science
Tillery, Physical Science
Valerius, Medical Insurance: A Revenue Cycle Process Approach
VanPutte, Seeley's Anatomy & Physiology
VanPutte, Seeley's Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
Vodopich, Biology Laboratory Manual
Welsh, Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology
Welsh, Hole's Human Anatomy & Physiology
Widmaier, Vander's Human Physiology
Willey, Prescott's Microbiology
Willey, Prescott's Principles of Microbiology
Do you need copies of the Spring 2025 (Fall 2025 Courses) Campus checklist?
Do you need material for a Lunch & Learn event?
What Lunch & Learn material do you need? *

Discipline *
Create scheduling link as a QR code?

Do you need a State Profile Flyer
0/772 characters
0/1975 characters
Do you need 2025 Discipline (Product List) Flyers? 
Discipline flyers PDFs can be found HERE
Text Specific Standard Kit will include
1. Product Flyer
2. Chapter by Chapter Changes (if Rollover)
3. Connect Flyer
4. SmartBook 2.0 Flyer
5. Proctorio Partnership Flyer
6. Read Anywhere Flyer
7. CXG Flyer
8. Connect Instructor Experience Quotes (For Engineering and Physics titles only)
Late Assignment Kit will include
1. Discipline Flyer
2. Product Flyer for frontlist titles in requested course(s)
3. Connect Flyer
4. SmartBook 2.0 Flyer
5. Proctorio Partnership Flyer
6. Read Anywhere Flyer
7. CXG Flyer
Connect Kit will include
1. Connect Flyer
2. SmartBook 2.0 Flyer
3. Read Anywhere Flyer
4. Proctorio Partnership Flyer
5. CXG Flyer
Engineering Bookfair Kit will include
1. ABA for Engineering Flyer
2. Introduction to Engineering Suite Brochure
3. Introduction to Engineering Suite Flyer
4. Connect Instructor Experience Quotes
5. Connect Solutions_Intro to Engineering
6. Connect Solutions_Statics and Dynamics
7. STEM Prep Adaptive Learning Modules Flyer
8. Engineering Catalog
Physics Bookfair Kit will include
1. Connect Instructor Experience Quotes
2. STEM Prep Adaptive Learning Modules Flyer
3. Connect Solutions Physics Flyer
4. Bauer, 3e Connect Resources
5. Virtual Labs for Physics Use Case Flyer
6. Virtual Labs for Physics - List of Labs Flyer
7. Physics Digital Suite Flyer
Non-Majors Biology Kit will include
1. Relevancy Modules Flyer
2. Prep for Non-Majors Biology Flyer
3. Data & Graphing for Non-Majors Biology Flyer
4. Evergreen One Page Flyer
5. Digital Asset Flyer
6. Sharpen One Page Flyer
7. Virtual Lab Biology Flyer
Environmental Science Kit will include
1. Why Environmental Science Flyer
2. Environmental Science Digital Asset Flyer
3. Environmental Science ABA Flyer
4. Virtual Labs Brochure

Affordable Access kit will include
1. Education For All Brochure_updated 1/10/25
2. Affordable Access Brochure
3. Copiah-Lincoln Comm College IA case study
4. Florida State College Jacksonville IA Case Study
5. McGraw Hill Affordable Access Offerings
6. Waubonsee Community College-Case Study
Education for All Kit will include
1. A&O Education For All Brochure_updated 1/10/25
2. Inclusive Access Flyer
3. Proctorio Flyer
4. Implementation One Pager
5. Custom_Courseware_Solutions_OER_Flyer
6. MH Accessibility Overview Faculty Guide
7. Education for all_DEI Flyer
8. Affordable Access Brochure
Why Biology presentation folder will include
1. Why Biology Brochure
2. Planning Guide
3. Student Feedback - Graphs
4. Student Quotes - Benefits
5. Student Quotes - Changed Perspective
6. Student Quotes - Future Use
7. Student Quotes - Preference
8. Master Read Anywhere
CIT Presentation Kit will include:
What is SIMnet Flyer
SIMnet Badging Flyer
SIMnet MOS Prep Flyer
SIMnet Office Online Projects Flyer
SIMnet Power Tools Flyer
SIMnet Skills Projection Flyer
SIMnet Copilot & Gen AI Flyer
SIMnet – What’s New for Office 2024
McConnell, Economics, 23e Rollover Sales Kit will include
1. Product Flyer
2. Chapter by Chapter Changes
3. McConnell, 23e Chapter 34 pdf
4. McConnell, 23e Chapter 35 pdf
5. Economics ABA Flyer
6. Econ Graphing Flyer
7. Connect Flyer
8. SmartBook 2.0 Flyer
9. Proctorio Partnership Flyer
10. Read Anywhere Flyer
11. CXG Flyer
ALEKS Sales Kits 
Chemistry Product Flyers Sales Kit
ALEKS Prep for Calculus Kit

Spring 2025 Pi Day Stickers Click here to see samples
Title Specific Sales Kit (Kit Includes: 1. Product Flyer, 2. List of Changes, 3. Meet the New ALEKS Flyer, 4. ALEKS Support at Every Step Postcard)

Title Specific Flyers
Case Studies and Whitepapers
Sales Tools
Training Resources
General Chemistry Takeaway Kit
GOB/Allied Health Chemistry Takeaway Kit
Organic Chemistry Takeaway Kit
ALEKS Math Spring Campus Toolkit
Would you like other flyers included in your Why Biology kit?
IA Kit options to be added to your Affordable Access Kit
Would you like other flyers included in your Affordability & Outcomes kit?
Do you need a supply of flyers or other printed material?
Who to include in "Meet Your Team" on the Implementation Flyer *
CSC or CSS *

Business Unit for Discipline Flyers *
What HSSL flyers do you need?
Art (all areas)
Criminal Justice
English--First-Year Composition
English--Writing, Business, & Advanced Courses
Film & Theater
Health & Human Performance
Paralegal Studies
Philosophy and Religion
Political Science--American Government
Psychology (all areas)
World Languages
What SEM flyers do you need?
Anatomy & Physiology
Astronomy-Physical Science-Physics
Calculus & Higher Mathematics
Cell Molecular Biology and Genetics
Computer Science
Developmental Mathematics
Electricity and Electronics
Engineering (all areas)
Environmental Science
Finite Math and Applied Calculus
Health Professions
Liberal Arts Math/QR/Teacher's Math
Manufacturing and Construction Technology
Plants and Animals
Precalculus and College Algebra
Statistics & Probability
What BEC flyers do you need?
Business Communications
Business Law
Business Math
Business Statistics & Analytics
Computer & Information Technology
Decision Sciences & Operations Management
General Business Administration
Insurance & Real Estate
Management & Organization
Management Information Systems
Student Success
Text specific Affordability flyers
ISBNs, prices, options to include
note: if an option needs to be excluded leave blank *
 Rental/Digital Access DurationISBNEstimated Student PriceEstimated Student Savings
Print Rental
Print Rental Extension
Ebook Purchase
Ebook Rental
LooseLeaf Purchase
Connect w/ Print Rental Bundle
Connect Online Access Standalone
Connect Master material *
Quest Flyers *
Digital Asset Flyers *
ABA Flyers *
McGraw Hill Go material *
Do you need Open Learning Solutions flyers *
Other Sales Collateral
Do you need anything else included?

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Vitual Presentation Kits will be emailed as PDF

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Note:All shipments will default to 'ground' unless otherwise noted.
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Unless specified otherwise the default address in SFDC will be used.