
Thank you for your interest in sharing best practices at our 2024 Iowa Leader in Me Symposium ! These 50 minute-long, practitioner-led breakout sessions allow educators to tell the story of how our systems and structures have helped them overcome their key challenges in their school community. We are looking for a compelling story and a high level of discussion and engagement around the key issue that the principles and practices of our solutions helped you solve. We encourage participation from multiple teachers and students who can help tell your story. Symposium attendees will have the opportunity to choose which sessions that they would like to attend throughout the event. Sessions offered and seating is on a first come, first serve basis. For ideas on breakout session topics and ideas to get you started, click here.


 Breakout session guidelines & information:
• Sessions are each 50 minutes long. Please plan to present and/or facilitate for the entire time.
• Presenters must be from a Leader in Me school or district.

• Accepted presentations will receive one complimentary seat for the 2-day Symposium (a $569.00 value). This does not include pre-conference registration.
• Co-presenters and students helping facilitate do not need to register for the event if they are only coming to present the session.

• Presenters must check in at the Event Support Table during registration.

• All rooms will have access to the internet, a projector, and a screen. You must provide your own laptop and all other materials needed to conduct your presentation (pre-printed handouts, props, etc.). We will not be able to make copies of handouts for you onsite. However, we can add a digital  (PDF) version of your presentation or handouts to the event App.
• Applications must be submitted by the deadline below. Applications submitted after the deadline will be on a waitlist.
Deadline for applications:
October 15th, 2024
*CONFIRMATION emails will be sent approximately two weeks after the above application due dates.
 QUESTIONS:  events@theleaderinme.org

Contact Information

Will students be helping facilitate this session?

Breakout Session Information

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The ideal audience for my session is:
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