
Thank you for your interest in highlighting your student's leadership skills at the 2024 Iowa Leader in Me Symposium! At each event, attendees will witness Leader in Me students in an empowered environment filling numerous leadership roles. Each participating student demonstrates their leadership mind-set and skill-set through public speaking, directing breakout sessions, talent presentations, and many other roles.

Student Leadership guidelines & information:
• Schools will receive one complimentary seat per leadership role to the Symposium.
• Students selected for onsite roles should arrive a minimum of 30 minutes early.
• All students must have a signed release form to participate.
• Applications must be submitted by the deadline below. Applications submitted after the deadline will be on a waitlist.
Deadline for applications:
October 25th, 2024
*CONFIRMATION emails will be sent approximately two weeks after the above application due dates.

Student Leadership Opportunities

•  Student Greeters - (3-4 students) - Students will greet guests as they enter the main hall of the Symposium and guide them to the registration area.

•  Student Registration Leaders - (4-6 students) - During registration on the first day of the Symposium, students play a major role in greeting our guests, passing out name badges, and providing participant manauals.

•  Leaders of Talent - (1 group) - Students will share their talent at the Symposium through dancing, singing, playing instruments, telling stories, reading poetry, etc. The Symposium will be kicked off with a talent performance for approximately ten minutes.

•  Opening Speech Leader/Student Master of Ceremonies - (1 student) - This role will allow for a student to open the Symposium with a 3-5 minutes speech covering what leadership means to them, as well as welcoming our guests to the Symposium. This student will then introduce the morning thought leader. 

•  Student Master of Ceremonies -  (1 student) - This student speaker will have the opportunity to introduce the closing thought leader on the second day of the event. 

•  Student Speech Leader  (3-4 students) - Student speech leaders during the panel will deliver a 4-5 minute speech on a leadership related topic. Topic ideas include: a challenge overcome, applying the 7 Habits at home and with family, a community or leadership project, how to use the habits to set and achieve a goal, etc.  

Student Sponsor Information

Application Information

Please select all leadership roles below that you are interested in sponsoring students during the Symposium:

Student Greeters
Student Registration Leaders
Leaders of Talent
Type of Talent:
0/140 characters
Opening Speech Leader & Student Master of Ceremonies
Student Master of Ceremonies - Introduction of closing keynote

Sponsor Confirmation

If selected as a student sponsor for a leadership role, I will assume responsibility for of my students on site during the Symposium and remain with them during their participation.
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