Center for Rural Affairs Loan Application

Meat & Poultry Processors

Thank you for applying for a Center for Rural Affairs Meat & Poultry Processing Loan. Please complete the application and we will get in touch with you to discuss next steps. If you have questions, contact Meg Jackson (402.309.9096).

Ownership Structure (select one) *
How soon are funds needed? (select one) *
Loan purpose (check all that apply) *
Is your project subject to environmental review? For example: new construction, occurrence of hazardous materials, location in a floodplain, etc. (select one) *
Line of business (Select one) *
Inspection status (select one) *
Are you working with other lenders? *
Why are you applying for financing from the Center for Rural Affairs instead of applying with another lender? (check all that apply) *
Do you have a current business plan? *
Do you have current business financials and/or projections? *
Does your business have any outstanding judgments obtained by the U.S. in a Federal Court (other than U.S. Tax Court)? *
Is your business delinquent on payment of Federal income taxes? *
Is your business delinquent on any Federal debt? *
Is your business debarred or suspended from receiving Federal assistance? *
Does your business, or any affiliates of your business engage in or propose to engage in, directly or through contractual, lease or service agreements, beef, pork, chicken or turkey processing at such level as to hold a market share greater than or equal to the entity that holds the fourth largest share of the market for the species that you process? In other words, Are you one of the "big four"? *

Acknowledgement and Agreement

By signing this document, I attest that all of the information on this application is true. I authorize the Center for Rural Affairs to investigate and verify the above information, contact any references or other creditors regarding this application, including obtaining any commercial credit reports for the business that may be available. I understand that the Center for Rural Affairs will retain this application whether the loan is approved or denied.