1. Trazodone selectively inhibits neuronal reuptake of serotonin and acts as an antagonist. *
2. Patients taking trazodone pills decrease their risk for suicidal ideation and suicidality. *
3. Trazodone can be used to treat schizophrenia and insomnia. *
4. Sweating is a severe side effect that should be immediately notified to the doctor. *
5. Patients should not take trazodone tablets if they are on monoamine oxidase inhibitors. *
6. A patient taking trazodone and Haldol may put themselves at increased risk of an irregular heart rhythm that may be life-threatening. *
7. Trazodone should be used during pregnancy ONLY if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the fetus. *
8. The starting dosage for the majority of patients is typically 150 mg per day in divided doses. *
9. Patients taking trazodone do NOT have to be monitored regularly. *
10. Other than the major risk of suicidality and suicidal ideation, clinically significant hyponatremia is also a possible associated risk of taking trazodone. *
11. There is an association present between trazodone use and increased alcohol drinking relapses. *
12. Patients who stop taking trazodone inconsistently and suddenly may cause withdrawal symptoms to occur. *
13. An increase in trazodone’s side effects can occur within a patient who has consumed alcohol. *
14. It typically takes 2 weeks for the full effects of the administration of trazodone to occur before symptoms improve. *
15. If a patient misses a dose, they may double up on the dose to catch up. *