The City of Mesquite permits a courtesy adjustment for customers that have experienced a loss of water caused by a fracture or break in the water service line or a fault in a water fixture that has been repaired. Though the City of Mesquite is not responsible for leaks that occur on the customer’s property, we are able to review the water usage to determine if above average usage occurred based on the account usage history. If the account usage history is less than 6 months, the average will be based on water usage after the repair has been made. If above average usage has been identified, an adjustment will be made of 50% of the above average water usage for one (1) billing. 

  • Leak adjustments will only be given once in a rolling 12 month period.
  • Proof of an actual leak and the repair of the leak must be provided to the Utility Billing office.
Is this a commercial or residential property? *
Was the leak repair made by a plumber? (If yes, attach plumber's receipt) *

Signature of Account Holder *

Upon completion of our review, the outcome of your request will be sent by mail. Submittal of a leak adjustment request does not exempt you from payment. Please continue to pay your water bill by the due date. If you are unable to pay your account in full, it is your responsibility to contact our office, prior to your due date, so that you may discuss a special payment arrangement with our customer service staff.


By signing, I hereby do affirm that the above statements are true and correct.

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