Your Data:  By completing and submitting this form CILT will use your data for the purposes of administering and communicating with you about your membership. This will include administering payments, communicating important messages about your membership, your benefits, and sending you renewal reminders. You can opt in to receiving further communications from us, and you can also opt out at any point by clicking the unsubscribe link in the email, or by contacting us at, or by managing your preferences via the Mailing Preference Centre when logged in to our website. Further information about how we use your data can be found in our Privacy Notice at

CILT(UK) offers a grade of membership for all stages of your career. You can apply at the grade that suits your current knowledge and experience. Many members start at one of our non-assessed grades and then upgrade as their knowledge and experience grows.

Our assessed grades require applicants to satisfy specific criteria and allow members to use our globally recognised post-nominals on their CVs, business cards, email signatures and anywhere else they choose! 

All members receive a wide range of benefits including access to Member Groups and Forums, where they can engage with like-minded peers. 

This application does require you to submit a CV and any relevant certificates. If you do not have these to hand, please ensure you save this form so you are able to return.

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