Grades K-12 School Report

Applicant Information

A note to the Head of School or Principal

This form should be completed by the teacher or administrator that knows the student best.
A full and candid report from his present school is necessary if he is to be given consideration by Brunswick’s admission committee. We therefore ask that you complete this form. Your comments will be held in the strictest confidence.
If you do not feel that you are the appropriate person to complete this recommendation, please pass it on to the division head, guidance counselor, or student’s advisor. Similar forms will be sent to the student’s teacher(s). Thank you for your assistance. Your remarks will be held in the strictest confidence and will be most appreciated as we begin review of the candidate’s personal characteristics and academic credentials.

Please click on the rating that best applies in each category

Academic Assessment *
 1 - Weak2 - Fair3 - Good4 - Excellent5 - Exceptional
Growth potential
Social/Emotional Development *
 1 - Weak2 - Fair3 - Good4 - Excellent5 - Exceptional
Self-confidence/Sense of humor
Concern for others
Emotional maturity
Personal maturity
Respect accorded by faculty
Ability to work with others
Contribution to school community

School Report


In relation to students of the same age you have known, how would you rate the candidate? *
 1 - Weak2 - Fair3 - Good4 - Excellent5 - Exceptional
Academic Promise
Character and Personal Promise
Overall Evaluation

Recommender Information

Signature *