BCM-ABMS Program Sponsor Logos
Maintenance of Certification Program
at Baylor College of Medicine
QI Activity Sign-Up Form
Activity Title: Improving Primary Care Clinician Screening
for Primary Hyperparathyroidism in Patients with Hypercalcemia
This form should be used by eligible physicians/physician assistants 
to request to participate in the noted QI Activity.
Requests may take approximately 5 - 7 business days after the conclusion of the activity sign-up period to process, and at which point, project participants will be contacted by email with project details and instructions.
For assistance, contact: BCM MOC Program

Registration Deadline
Department of Family and Community Medicine
Deadline - Extended: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 @ 11:59 PM

QI Activity

QI Activity Title
I am requesting to participate in the following QI Activity: *
This QI Activity is open to Baylor Medicine primary care clinicians in the following departments:
- Department of Family and Community Medicine
- Department of Medicine - Section of General Internal Medicine


Profession *
Prefix *
Professional Category/Degree(s): (select all that apply) *
Current BCM/BCM-Affiliated Employee? *
This QI Activity is open to current BCM employees in the institution and departments indicated above.
For assistance, contact: BCM MOC Program

Activity Enrollment Info

This following information is required to process your enrollment in the Activity Portal for this QI Activity:

Institution, Department, Project Lead

Primary Institution *
Department (@ Primary Institution) *
Project Lead (FCM) *
Project Lead (GIM) *

MOC4 - QI Activity Sign-Up Form - Project: Hyperparathyroidism | ver. 20241214