Blockchain GDPR Quick Test (betatest Version 0.4)

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Hi, I am the blockchain GDPR Quick-Check (V0.4). I am here to help you with GDPR-compliance for your DLT system.
Privacy Policy
This application runs on US servers by the provider formsite which claims to be GDPR compliant. See the GDPR info for details. I will process the data to develop and optimize this application and to process requests for services. The GDPR (EU), DSG (Switzerland) and other countries' data protection laws, give you specific rights like knowing what data of yours is stored and how it is processed, the right to correct data, the right to delete data where you withdraw your consent or where the reason to continue processing it is no longer valid. Formsite and Jörn Erbguth are jointly responsible. Complaints can also be directed to the Swiss DPA EDÖB or your local DPA.
Please do not enter any confidential or personal data here, where you do not have the right to transmit it to third parties outside the EU.
This application does not give any legal advice nor does it perform a data protection impact assessment (DPIA). Its purpose is to give you quick feedback. Please contact us for further services - e.g. a DPIA.
Please be aware that this is a prototype which is currently under development. It is neither complete nor fully tested. It is not ready to be used in real scenarios yet! Please contact us for any comments or suggestions.
Jörn Erbguth
Consultant on Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Data Protection
Chemin du Champ d'Anier 15
1209 Geneva
+41 787256027
Privacy policy *
Jörn Erbguth, Consultant on Blockchain, Smart Contracts and GDPR,