Birth Experience Survey

Thank you for your time in sharing your birth experience!
This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
I am Nani (Nahun) Kim, a graduate student at MIT who is currently exploring the birth experience space and identfying current trends amongst expecting parents today. The responses you provide will be anonymous and confidential. It will only be used to explore birth experience topic for my graduate research studies, and potentially be referenced for solution development if unmet needs are identified from this survey.
From this survey, I hope to understand how mothers and/or the partners seek support and information during birth experiences, when they need support and information the most during the experiences, and what has been effective.
Please answer the questions based on your personal birth experience(s).
Thank you again for your participation!
I certify that I am 18 years old or older. I understand that my responses are anonymous and confidential, that participation in this survey in voluntary, and that I may stop this survey and decline further participation at any point without given consequences. *
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