Read contract and sign at the bottom
Is student 18 or older? *
Student Signature (If student is 18 years or older) *
Parent/Guardian Signature (If student is younger than 18) *


  1. Contract terms and conditions. This binding legal contract is entered between Ranken Technical College and the undersigned student and parent/guardian if the student is under 18 years of age at the time of signing the contract.  This contract is not transferable or assignable by the student entering the contract.  A new contract must be signed for each academic year which includes both the fall and spring semesters.  Contracts are not terminated if preferred room space is unavailable.  A signed housing contract does not guarantee admission to the College.  Admission to the College is a separate process that requires an Admissions application.  Cancelling admission to the College also requires cancellation of the housing contract.  Housing cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to the Residential Life Office before the scheduled deadline dates.
  2. Payment responsibilities. The student is responsible for paying the College the total amount of charges for the entire contract period.
  3. Security deposit. The student agrees to pay the security deposit of $150 for each new contract.  When the student permanently moves out of the residence hall and does not intend to sign a future housing contract, charges for damage (charges for damage include but are not limited to room damage, damage to other areas inside the building or the outside perimeter of the building, destruction to or loss of furniture or fixtures within the residence hall, and unclaimed damage to areas outside of the student’s residence hall room occurring on the student’s floor) will be deducted from their security deposit.  If there is still money left over after damage charges have been assessed, the business office will apply the difference to any outstanding balances the student may have at the College.  If there is still a balance left after evaluating damage and outstanding balances, the student will receive a check for the remaining balance if the required form is completed within 2 weeks of moving out of the residence hall.  For students who intend to continue living in the residence hall the deposit will be carried over to a future housing contract (summer or future academic year).   Damage charges will be billed to student accounts for returning residents. 
  4. Security deposit refunds. Students who have lived in the residence hall and been granted release from their housing contract who fail to properly check-out of housing by their designated check-out date and time will forfeit their entire security deposit, unless the student has been given an extension by the Director of Residential Life and properly checks-out per the terms of the extension.  Exceptions in which security deposits will be refunded include: A) The student has lived in the residence hall, is granted release from their housing contract, properly checks-out of the residence hall per the check-out procedures section of this contract and does not intend to sign a future housing contract. B) There is no space available in the residence hall for a student to reside.  C) Admittance to an academic program is not granted to a student. D) A student withdraws or is dismissed from the College.   E) The housing applicant does not sign a housing contract for the year or semester they applied for housing.  Housing applicants who have signed a housing contract who meet any of the eligible circumstances above must submit a housing cancellation request form to the Residential Life Office to receive a security deposit refund. 
  5. Duration of contract. Residential Life contracts are for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters), fall only for December graduates, mid-year, spring only, summer only or the remainder of the academic year that the contract covers. 
  6. Housing cancellation policy. A student who withdraws or is dismissed from the College is not allowed to live in Ranken housing; therefore, students that withdraw or are dismissed must submit a housing cancellation request form.  Students that wish to cancel their housing contract for any other reason must also submit a housing cancellation request.  The student is responsible for notifying the Residential Life Office of their intention to cancel the contract.  All cancellation requests must be received in writing by the Residential Life Office. A phone call is not an acceptable form of cancellation request.  Notification to another College office/department is not an acceptable form of cancellation request. Room charges will continue to accrue until a written cancellation request is received.  Cancellation request letters should include the student’s name, ID number, and reason for cancellation. The Director of Residential Life will make the final decision whether to approve or deny all cancellation requests.  Students who have lived in the residence hall will be charged $100.  B) A student who has been authorized for housing, has not previously lived in the residence hall, and cancels on or after July 1 for the fall semester or December 11 until classes begin will be charged $400.  Students who have previously lived in the residence hall will be charged $200.  C) A student who has been authorized for housing and cancels on or after classes begin through the fourth week of a semester will be charged a $400 cancellation fee plus room charges (Vacates housing during the first week of the semester –10% of room charges.  Vacates housing during the second week of the semester – 40% of room charges. A student who cancels after the third week of the semester must pay the entire semester room cost.  Any student that is not authorized for housing by the Residential Life Office, Financial Aid Office, or Business Office will not be issued a cancellation charge.
  7. Room charges refund policy. A student who withdraws or is dismissed from the College or granted housing cancellation prior to the start of a semester covered in their housing contract will receive 100% of paid room charges for the upcoming semester, less a cancellation fee per the housing cancellation policy. A written cancellation request must be submitted to the Residential Life Office.  A student who withdraws or is dismissed from Ranken Technical College will not be allowed to live in Ranken housing. A student who vacates housing for any of the allowable reasons listed in the release of contract policy will be subject to the following housing room charges refund schedule: A) Vacates housing during the first week of the semester – 90% refund of semester room charges.  B) Vacates housing during the second week of the semester – 75% refund of semester room charges.  C) Vacates housing during the third week of the semester – 60% refund of semester room charges.  D) Vacates housing during the fourth week of the semester – 45% refund of semester room charges.  For students attempting 8 weeks of coursework in a semester who vacate housing for any of the allowable reasons listed in the release of contract policy, except for dismissal from the residence hall, will be subject to the following housing room charges refund schedule:  A) Vacates housing during the first full week of the 8-week coursework – 60% refund of semester room charges.  B) Vacates housing during the second full week of the 8-week coursework – 45% refund of semester room charges.  After the end of the second full week of the 8-week coursework, there will be no refund of semester room charges.
  8. Release of contract. During the contract duration, the student may be released, at the College’s sole discretion, from the contract for the following reasons: A) Official withdrawal from the College or withdrawal from the day school program and entrance into the evening school program.  B) Graduation.  C) Dismissal from the residence hall or College.  D) Non-acceptance to the residence hall or College.  E) Inability to make payments to the College.  F) The room becomes uninhabitable due to a fire or another casualty.  G) The College is unable to provide housing.  H) Marriage.  I) Military service.  J) Serious illness or injury.  K) Death in the immediate family.  L) Counseling considerations (documentation may be needed).  A written housing cancellation request must be submitted for all reasons other than graduation and if the College is unable to provide housing.  Contract cancellation charges apply to each of these circumstances except for letters B, C, D, E & G listed above.
  9. Colleges right to cancel contract or refuse housing. The College reserves the right to cancel the contract or refuse admission or re-admission into housing if the College determines that the student poses a risk to the order, safety, health, environment or well-being of other resident students.
  10. Colleges right to increase room and board rates. The College reserves the right to increase room and board rates at any time during the term of this contract upon giving 45 days written notice to the student. 
  11. Laundry Plan. Residents have the choice to register for the Laundry Plan which costs $75 during the standard academic year (fall and spring semester) and $30 for the mid-year, spring and summer semester. The fee will allow unlimited wash and dry and card access to the laundry room. Once selected on the application, the funds will be deducted from the student’s selected meal plan chosen. The fee is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
  12. Meal plans. All resident students are required to purchase a meal plan, except for residents enrolled in evening school only.  Students select one of three meal plan options on their housing application.  If a student runs low on meal plan funds, more money can be added to the student’s Ranken 1Card to use for meals.
  13. Meal plan refund policy.  A student who withdraws or is dismissed from the College or granted housing cancellation prior to the start of a semester covered in their housing contract will receive 100% of paid meal plan charges for the upcoming semester.  A written cancellation request must be submitted to the Residential Life Office.  A student who withdraws or is dismissed from Ranken Technical College will not be allowed to live in Ranken housing.  A student who vacates housing for any of the allowable reasons listed in the release of contract policy will be subject to the following meal plan refund schedule: Vacates housing during the first week of the semester – 90% refund of remaining semester meal plan balance, not including any roll-over funds from a previous semester.  B) Vacates housing during the second week of the semester – 40% refund of remaining semester meal plan balance, not including any roll-over funds from a previous semester.  C) Students who vacate housing after the third week of a semester will not receive a refund for any portion of their remaining meal plan balance for that current semester. 

Any remainder of a meal plan at the end of the semester will not be refunded.

  1. Room and roommate assignment. No official room assignment will be made until: A) A signed housing application and contract form and $150 security deposit are received by the Residential Life Office.  B) The Residential Life Office determines the student is a good candidate for housing.  C) Verification from the financial aid and/or business office that the student will be able to pay housing costs.  Consideration will be given to the student’s room and roommate preferences as well as the profile section of their application.  Requests will be considered in the order they are received.  Roommate requests must be mutual.  This contract does not guarantee a room or roommate.  Failure to honor the student’s assignment preferences will not constitute cancellation of this contract.  The College reserves the right to make room and roommate assignments and reassignments, consolidate roommates, or adjust the designated occupancy of any room when necessary.
  2. Room and roommate change requests. The student may submit a change of room or roommate request form to the Residential Life Office three weeks after the first day of classes.  Only one request is allowed throughout the duration of the contract.  If the requested move is the result of a roommate conflict, then the student must discuss the situation with a residential life staff member first before submitting a room or roommate request.  If a solution cannot be reached after staff intervention, then a request may be submitted.  The College reserves the right to approve or deny room and roommate requests.  All parties involved in a roommate change must agree to the changes.  If the student moves to another room without approval from the Director of Residential Life, then the student will be subject to disciplinary action and may result in the student’s return to their original room.
  3. Room consolidation. To make room for residents it may be necessary to consolidate rooms and roommates.  Consolidation is the act of moving students together into one unit who had been previously living in a unit where the maximum occupancy was not being met.  If the resident has a roommate(s) that vacates the room, the remaining resident must be willing to accept another roommate or move to another residential unit. 
  4. Claiming space. The student must claim their room on the first day of move in for any given semester.  The student officially claims their room by checking into the room in person or notifying the Residential Life Office that they will be arriving late.  Failure to claim a room space may result in reassignment or release the College from its obligation to reserve space for the student.  The inability of a student to claim their space does not constitute cancellation of this contract or release him or her from financial obligations associated with housing.
  5. Vacating a room. The student must remove all personal belongings from their residence hall room at the end of the contract period or upon contract cancellation taking place during the contract period.  This would include incidents of dismissal from the residence hall or the College or withdrawal from the College.  Items left behind by the student in their residence hall room at the end of a contract period for more than 10 days past their designated check-out date will be removed and donated or disposed of.  When items are removed, a charge may be assessed.  Students remaining in their residence hall room after their contract duration has expired without permission from the Residential Life Office will be charged a set amount as determined by the Residential Life Office for each day they stay past the period of occupancy.
  6. Guest policy. The student must fill out the guest registration log at the residence hall front desk for each guest entering the building.  The visitor must present state issued photo identification to the front desk officer on duty.  Only after the guest has been registered at the front desk and the guest has shown valid identification to the front desk officer can the student bring a guest to their residential unit.  The resident student must accompany their visitor during the time of registration and must accompany their guest the entire time they are inside the residence hall.  At the end of a guest’s visit the resident student must accompany their guest to the front desk to check-out.  Non-resident guests are subject to all Residential Life policies and procedures.  The host student accepts responsibility for the actions of their guests.  The College restricts the number of resident and non-resident guests in residence hall rooms and apartments.  The College reserves the rights to prohibit any guest from entering the residential areas for any reason and to adjust guest policies as deemed necessary.     
  7. Room occupancy. Living occupancy of a room is limited to students currently attending Ranken.  All non-resident guests must be registered at the front desk.  The student is not allowed to sublease or provide routine lodging to guests.  Residence hall rooms are to be used for residential purposes only.
  8. Room furnishings. The College agrees to furnish each room with basic furniture, including, but not necessarily, a desk, chair, bed frame with mattress, chest of drawers, and a wardrobe for students without closets.  One of each item is issued per student. A limited number of two-bedroom apartments and all four-bedroom apartment kitchens are furnished with a refrigerator, stove and microwave.  The student is not allowed to move or disconnect appliances installed by the College.  The student is responsible for keeping furnishings in good condition. 
  9. Room utilities. The College agrees to provide each room with basic utilities including heating, air conditioning, hot and cold water, and electricity.  One cable television connection will be provided in each residential unit and each student will have internet access.  Students that wish to have phone services are responsible for contacting the phone company to set up phone services.  The student will pay the phone company for their services.  The College also agrees to provide trash removal services; however, the student is responsible for disposing their garbage into the designated trash areas.  Students that leave trash in public areas are subject to disciplinary action.  Temporary interruption of any of these services will not result in a partial refund of the student’s housing charges or cancellation of a contract.
  10. Break policy. Residents are prohibited from living in the residence hall during Thanksgiving, Winter, Spring and Easter breaks.  The contract does not cover housing during these periods. If a student desires to stay during a break, an email request must be submitted by the advertised due date for each break. There is a charge for staying on campus. Thanksgiving break stay will cost $75.00 and Spring Break will cost $100.00. There will be no visitors allowed to stay during the break period. Residents will be allowed to stay in the residence hall during Easter break but there will be no visitors allowed. Walker Hall is closed during Winter Break if there is a need for a resident to stay, the situation may be reviewed by the director of residential life for special permissions.
  11. Student compliance. The student agrees to abide by all the rules in the Ranken Student Handbook as well as the Residential Life Handbook.  The College reserves the right to make changes to existing rules and to repeal rules.  The student will be notified of any rule changes and the student agrees to abide by any rule changes.  The student also agrees to comply with all Federal, State, Local laws, regulations and ordinances while in residence.
  12. Alcohol policy. Consumption or possession of alcohol is not allowed by students or visitors on College property, including the residence hall, or any properties surrounding the College.  If the student does not abide by this policy, they will be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal from housing and the College.
  13. Drugs/illegal & other substances policy. Possessing, using, selling, or delivering drugs, other illegal or controlled substances, medication that requires a prescription in which the student in possession does not have a prescription, or any substance or items designed to put the person(s) using it under the influence are not allowed by residents, guests, or anyone entering the residence hall or anywhere on or around Ranken’s campus.  If the student does not abide by this policy, they will be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal from housing and the College.
  14. Smoking & tobacco policy. Smoking or using tobacco of any kind is not allowed inside the residence hall.  If a student is caught smoking or using tobacco inside the residence hall they will be subject to disciplinary action.  If a guest is caught smoking or using tobacco inside the residence hall they will be asked to leave the building.
  15. Weapons/explosives policy. Weapons of any kind are not permitted in the residence hall except for security or law enforcement officials.  Explosives including but not limited to fireworks or flammable liquids of any kind are not allowed in the residence hall.
  16. Candles/incense policy. Candles, incense, or open flames of any kind are not allowed inside the residence hall.  Violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
  17. Prohibited items. New residents will receive a list of prohibited items in their housing assignment packet.  Any prohibited item found inside a residential unit or anywhere inside or outside the residence hall will immediately be confiscated.
  18. Pets are prohibited except for fish in aquariums 10-gallons or smaller. 
  19. Student responsibility for room and building conditions. The student accepts responsibility for the conditions of their room as well as other areas inside the residence hall and the outside perimeter of the building and will reimburse the College for damage charges to any of these areas.  The student will also be assessed damage charges for missing pieces of furniture or fixtures within their room or other areas inside the residence hall.  Any decorating by the student to their room which is not approved by the Residential Life Office will result in charges to restore the room back to its original condition.  Construction or repair work to any furnishings or fixtures in residence hall rooms or common areas is not permitted by the student without approval from the Residential Life Office. 
  20. Unclaimed damage to areas outside of residence hall rooms. At the end of each semester every resident student will be charged for unclaimed damage or vandalism to any area outside of residential rooms on their floor.  The cost for replacement or repair will be evenly divided to each floor or wing resident.  Students are responsible for reporting vandalism in a timely fashion to the Residential Life Office.
  21. Check-in procedures. The student agrees to follow the subsequent check-in protocol upon moving into their residence hall room:  A) Sign the residence hall registry and receive a room key and mailbox key.  C) Submit a room condition form to the Residential Life Office prior to moving items into the room.  Failure to submit this form will prohibit the resident from moving into the residence hall.
  22. Check-out procedures. The student agrees to follow the subsequent check-out protocol before vacating the residence hall: A) Make an appointment with the Residential Life Office in advance to have a residential life staff member inspect the room.  This is the responsibility of each resident student.  B) The student must clean the room prior to inspection.  If the room is not clean upon inspection, then a cleaning charge will be billed to the student’s account.  C) Remove all personal belongings from the room prior to the scheduled inspection.  D) Turn in all keys to the residential life staff person inspecting the room.  E) Sign the room condition form.  F) Failure to fulfill the checkout requirements completely before the published deadlines will result in fines for improper check-out.
  23. Entering a residence hall room. The College reserves the right to designate representatives to enter the student’s room for reasons that further the educational mission of the College, including, but not limited to: maintenance; damage; announced and unannounced health and safety inspections and room checks; issues addressing orderliness and discipline; inspection and verification of occupancy; safety and security of residents; and to enforce College and residential life rules if the representative entering the room believes rules are being broken.  The College also reserves the right to confiscate any illegal items prohibited by the College found inside residence hall rooms or any portion of the building.  Efforts will be made to respect privacy and to notify the student of inspections in advance except for routine maintenance procedures, unannounced room checks, situations where there is suspicion of a specific violation, and emergency situations.
  24. The College reserves the right to designate representatives to search a student’s room in instances where there is suspicion that a College or residential life rule is being broken, or a law is being broken.  All items brought into the residence hall by a resident or guest are subject to search, if a staff member suspects a person of being in possession of an illegal or prohibited item.  Vehicles and individuals are also subject to search.  Searches are done to further the educational mission of the College.
  25. Loss and damage of property. The College does not accept responsibility of loss or damage of resident’s personal belongings.  The student is responsible for having their personal belongings insured.
  26. The College does not accept responsibility for injury to the student.
  27. Medical care. The College does not assume financial responsibility for medical care of the student.  If a student requires medical attention or the College seeks medical or any other related service on behalf of the student, payment for such services will be the responsibility of the student. 
  28. Health insurance. All residents must have proof of health insurance prior to moving into the residence hall or the student will be enrolled and billed for a College student health insurance plan.
  29. All new resident students must fulfill the immunization requirements to reside in the residence hall.  Completed vaccination and medical history forms must be submitted to the Residential Life Office before the posted deadlines.  Failure to do so will result in fines and/or non-authorization for housing.  
  30. Loaning identification card or room key. The student agrees not to loan out their room key or identification card or to have their key copied.  Students that make illegal copies of keys will be charged $100 in addition to the cost of a core replacement.  Students will be fined $50 for loaning or using a room key or identification card for another student. 
  31. Disruptive behavior. The student agrees to be respectful of other residence hall residents and staff members.  Disruptive behavior includes, but is not limited to, excessive noise or distracting behavior that impedes another resident student or staff member’s ability to sleep, study, or perform a general task.  Such occurrences will be subject to disciplinary action.  The College reserves the right to remove stereos and musical instruments from rooms if the student is unwilling to abide by the rules.
  32. Falsification of information. If any information the student provides to a residential life or public safety staff member is false, the contract may be revoked by the College and the student will be subject to disciplinary action.
  33. Contract Forfeit. Residents dismissed from the residence hall based on disciplinary action and academic dismissal will forfeit their funds for the remainder of the active semester.


Ranken Technical College does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender, sexual orientation, disability, status as disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era.