Small Project Fund Interest Form

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Do you own a business or property in Lowville's Downtown Revitalization Initiative boundary (below)?

Do you have a building or business in need of smaller-scale improvements such as interior and exterior renovations or permanent equipment acquisition?

The Small Project Fund is a type of DRI project that could help fund a range of improvements in a downtown, such as building improvements (e.g., facades, interior fit-out, HVAC, etc.), business assistance (e.g., permanent equipment acquisition), or public art.
For the Small Project Fund to be included in the slate of proposed DRI projects submitted to the State, it is important to document interest in it. The DRI Local Planning Committee is seeking letters of interest from business and/or property owners to show that there are property and/or business owners interested in participating in this program.
However, submitting a letter of interest does not guarantee that a community will apply for a Small Project Fund as part of DRI. The project sponsor (e..g, the municipality or business improvement district) will also have to demonstrate interest and capacity to implement a Small Project Fund. Additional information about eligibility and requirements for the Small Project Fund can be found on the next page.
A letter of interest must be submitted by 5:00pm on August 30.