DRI Project Form

Projects over $75,000

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The Village of Lowville has been awarded funds through the New York State Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) to fund catalytic projects in the downtown to spur revitalization. The Local Planning Committee (LPC) is seeking project proposals from the public for potential projects to be included in Lowville’s Strategic Investment Plan. Projects included in the Strategic Investment Plan will be reviewed by New York State and may receive funding from a total allocation of $10 million. Project proposals must be received by: 5:00pm - August 30, 2024.

Opportunities to learn more about the Open Call for Projects and eligibility requirements will be offered virtually as drop in sessions and individual meetings. These sessions are as follows:

Virtual Office Hours Drop in Session.

June 24 5:00pm-6:00pm

July 11 12:00pm-1:00pm

Individual Meeting

Visit www.LowvilleDRI.or to schedule a one-on-one meeting with the Consultant and state team. 

For more information on how to join these virtual sessions, see: www.LowvilleDRI.org 

Project Types & Requirements

It is expected that DRI funds will be used for capital projects that will transform the physical environment of the downtown in ways that will benefit current residents and future generations. However, certain non- capital projects or projects that may lead to capital investment will also be considered to the extent that they will contribute to the revitalization of the downtown. The following is a description of eligible and ineligible project types.


Eligible Project Types

  • Public Improvement Projects. These may include projects such as streetscape and transportation improvements, recreational trails, wayfinding signage, new and upgraded parks, plazas, public art, green infrastructure, and other public realm projects that will contribute to the revitalization of the downtown.
  • New Development and/or Rehabilitation of Existing Downtown Buildings. Projects in this category may include the development or redevelopment of real property for mixed-use, commercial, residential, not-for- profit, or public uses. All projects should be capital investments or should lead to capital investments. They should have a visible and functional impact on the downtown, serving as catalytic or transformative projects that will provide employment opportunities, housing choices, and/or services for the community.
  • Small Project Fund. A locally managed matching small project fund may be proposed to undertake a range of smaller downtown projects such as facade enhancements, building renovation improvements to commercial or mixed-use spaces, business assistance, or public art. Funds are capped at $600,000 for DRI communities and $300,000 for NYF communities. However, an NYF community may receive up to $600,000 if substantial demand is demonstrated.
  • Branding and Marketing. Examples include downtown branding and marketing projects that may target residents, investors, developers, tourists, and/or visitors. The costs eligible under this category must be one-time expenses, such as those to develop materials and signage.

Ineligible Project Types

  • Planning Activities. Following the preparation of the Strategic Investment Plan, all DRI funds must be used for projects that directly implement the plan.
  • Operations and Maintenance. DRI funds cannot be used for on-going or routine expenses, such as staff salaries and wages, rent, utilities, and property up keep.
  • Pre-award Costs. Reimbursement for costs incurred before the completion of the Strategic Investment Plan and the announcement of funding awards is not permitted.
  • Property acquisition. The cost of property acquisition can be included in the overall project budget, but the acquisition must be funded by another funding source.
  • Training and other program expenses. The DRI program is a one-time infusion of funds and cannot be used to cover continuous costs, such as training costs and expensed related to existing programs.
  • Expenses related to existing programs. DRI funds cannot be used to supplement existing programs or replace existing resources.