Agreement Regarding Minors - Parent

The involvement of children and adolescents in therapy can be highly beneficial to their overall development. Very often, it is best to see them with parents and other family members; sometimes, they are best seen alone. The counselor will assess which might be best for the minor and make recommendations accordingly. The support of all the minor's caregivers is essential, as well as their understanding of the basic procedures involved in counseling minors. The general goal of involving minors in therapy is to foster their development at all levels. At times, the parent/guardian may have different goals for the minor than the minor has for themselves. Although the guardian's goals may be part of overall development, such objectives may not be the best goals for therapy. The counselor will evaluate and discuss such goals with both the guardian and the minor. Because the counselor's role is that of the minor's advocate, the counselor will not become involved in legal disputes or other official proceedings unless compelled to do so by a court of law. Matters involving custody and mediation are best handled by another professional who is specially trained in those areas rather than by the minor's therapist, for example, custody evaluations. The issue of confidentiality is critical in treating minors. When minors are seen with their guardian(s), the discussion from each session is to be kept confidential except by mutual agreement. Minors seen in individual sessions (except under certain conditions) are not legally entitled to confidentiality (also called privilege); their parents have this right. However, unless minors feel they have some privacy in speaking with a therapist, the benefits of therapy may be compromised. Therefore, it is necessary to work on an arrangement in which minors feel that their privacy is being upheld, and at the same time that parents have access to critical information. This agreement must have the understanding and approval of the parents or other responsible adults, and of the child in therapy. This agreement regarding the treatment of minors has provisions for inserting individual details, which can be supplied by both the minor and the adults involved. However, it is first important to point out the exceptions to this general agreement. The following circumstances override the general policy that minors are entitled to privacy while parents or guardians have a legal right to information.
Confidentiality and privilege are limited in cases involving child abuse, neglect, molestation, or danger to self or others. In these cases, the therapist is required to make an official report to the appropriate agency and will attempt to involve parents as much as possible.
Minors may independently enter into therapy and claim the privilege of confidentiality in cases involving abuse or severe neglect, molestation, pregnancy, or communicable diseases, and when they are on active military duty, married, or officially emancipated. They may seek therapy independently for substance abuse, danger to self or others, or a mental disorder, but parents must be involved unless doing so would harm the child. The minor would be responsible for therapy fees if they are exercising this exception.
 Any evaluation, treatment, or reports ordered by, or done for submission to a third party such as a court or a school is not entirely confidential and will be shared with that agency with your specific written permission. Please also note that the counselor does not have control over information once it is released to a third party.
I (mother/ father/ or guardian) can request a copy of the Informed Consent for Psychotherapy. I have been allowed to have any questions answered relevant to my minor's treatment.

I agree for my minor to receive therapy by Avedian Counseling Center therapists. I understand that cancellations and re-scheduled sessions will be subject to a full charge if NOT RECEIVED AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE.

I grant permission for case consult with other professionals as long as standard care is exercised to protect my minor's privacy and confidentiality. I understand that if I elect to use medical insurance benefits for these services my insurance company will be informed of a medical diagnosis and certain relevant aspects of my minor's treatment, including procedure codes, and other standard pertinent history and prognosis information.

I have been advised regarding the limits of the above-stated confidentiality and I agree that I will not authorize the execution of a subpoena for any purpose. I hereby authorize the therapist to resist subpoenas executed by any other person or persons to protect and ensure my minor's privacy and confidentiality.
Now that the various aspects surrounding confidentiality have been stated, the specific agreement between you and your child/children follows:
agree that my children:
should have privacy in his/her/their therapy sessions, and I agree to allow this privacy except in extreme situations, which I will discuss with the therapist. At the same time, except under unusual circumstances, I understand that I have a legal right to obtain this information. To increase the effectiveness of the therapy, I agree to the following:
The goals of therapy are as follows:
I will do my best to ensure that therapy sessions are attended and will not inquire about the content of sessions. If my child prefers/children prefer not to volunteer information about the sessions, I will respect his/her/their right not to disclose details. Unless my child has/children have been abused or is/are a clear danger to self or others, the therapist will normally tell me only the following:
whether sessions are attended
whether or not my child/children are generally participating
• whether or not progress is generally being made
The normal procedure for discussing issues that are in my child’s/children’s therapy will be joint sessions including my child/children, the therapist, and me, and perhaps other appropriate adults. If I believe there are significant health or safety issues that I need to know about, I will contact the therapist and attempt to arrange a session with my child/children present. Similarly, when the therapist determines that there are significant issues that should be discussed with parents, every effort will be made to schedule a session involving the parents and the child/children. I understand that if information becomes known to the therapist and has a significant bearing on the child’s/children’s well-being, the therapist will work with the person providing the information to ensure that both parents are aware of it. In other words, the therapist will not divulge secrets except as mandated by law, but may encourage the individual who has the information to disclose it for therapy to continue effectively.
Signature *