Emergency Preparedness Workshop+ FREE Vaccination

Date: September 26, 2024
Time: 1:30PM to 3:30PM
925 S. Shamrock Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016

Gender Identity 我的性別 *
Please select the vaccine(s) from below choices 請勾選您想接種的疫苗: *
I understand and agree that event organizer may use my images/photos/videos taken at the event for presentation under any legal condition. 我了解並同意活動主辦方可合法使用我的形像/照片/視頻。
*Happy 50 Plus Foundation has been approved by the Internal Revenue Services(IRS) as 501(c)(3) public charity non-profit organization. Your donation to the Foundation will be tax deductible. Our EIN # is 92-0367082. 樂活50加公益基金會是IRS核准的501(c)(3)非營利慈善公益組織。您的捐款和捐贈將可於申報您個人或企業所得稅時列為可減免稅款的捐贈。我們的EIN號碼是:92-0367082.