Order form

Please enter the number of dishes you wish to order:
Main Dishes ($12)
Main Dishes ($12)
Side Salad - Salad of the week ($4) Enter the number of Side Salads you wish to order

Delivery Details

Place your order before 9pm Sunday, for your meals to be ready on Monday

Please call us for other delivery apointements (0458 167 991)
Delivery is between 11:30 and 14.30.

In order to assist with social distancing & self isolation delivery is the only option available at the moment and will be provided as a free service.

Your Details

Please fill in your contact details, we will only use this to contact you should we have any questions about your order.


Current Total:
Please press "Calculate" to get the total amount of your order, then select your prefered payment method.
Payment method *
The bank account details are:
CBA Kununurra
BSB: 066-530
Account No: 00181 205
Acc Name: Oasis Bananas

Please take note of these before submitting your order.
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