Please complete and sign this Agreement before any bookings shall be finalized.

1. General
This contract outlines an agreement and includes all contractual obligations made between Leah Ulibarri LJUMUHA, hereinafter referred to as "Artist" and client referred to as "Client".
Please fill Client(s) details below:
2. Purpose & Scheduling
The Client hereby engages the Artist to provide Makeup and/or Hair Services (“Services”) on the date and time agreed, at the location determined by the Client. The Artist agrees to perform these Services for the Client and any other persons to receive indicated by the Client included in this Contract (“Attendants”), under the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Contract. In consideration of the mutual promises and obligations set forth in this Contract, it is hereby agreed between the Client and Artist.
This Agreement does not make the Artist an agent or employee of the Client for any purpose, the Artist shall at all times be considered as an Independent Service Provider.
Client will allow Artist enough alloted time (15-30 minutes) to set up work station at service location in order to begin at requested time.
Artist will preform a makeup application and or hair styling trial included with service for bridal clients only. Bridal Client may select the day and time for the trial service below. Trials can only be performed on Saturdays upon the Artists availability. 
3. Client’s Obligations
The Client agrees to pay all rates and fees in accordance with the Payment provision. The Client is responsible for Artist's traveling fees, accommodation fees, toll fees, and parking fees in accordance with the Travel/accommodation provision.
The Client will be responsible for collecting payment from every person or persons receiving services.
Regardless of any personal agreements made between the Client and any of their Attendants, the Client agrees to assume all responsibility for fees not paid by their Attendants to the Artist in accordance with the Payments provision.
The Client agrees to provide notice in advance of any and all allergies or conditions in accordance with the Liabilities provision. The Client also agrees to have any persons receiving services from Artist to give notice in advance, and in writing, of any and all allergies or conditions in accordance with the Liabilities provision.
The Client shall provide the Artist with a safe and suitable work area at the location Services are to be performed. This location will also provide the Artist with the capability of performing their Services as described, by providing an appropriate area (“set up” table/flat surface) to work from, ample appropriate lighting by means of natural light or by lamps, and electrical outlets must also be made available for use.
A chair or bar stool is requested but not necessary. Please stipulate if any of the above cannot be provided. Failure to provide for an adequate location may result in a less satisfactory result, for which the Artist shall not be held liable. The Artist will not be held liable for any injuries that should arise while on location.
Remember to wear a button down shirt to preserve the hair style and makeup while getting dressed. Please ensure the Clients hair is washed the day before the hair artist services take place. For makeup, ensure Clients have their face fully washed prior to makeup application. Artist will wash Clients face thouroughly once more prior to beginning makeup application.
Client agrees to allow Artist to capture before, during, and after photography and videography of the services provided. Client also agrees to allow Artist to publish the services provided on the Artist's website and social media platforms in order to promote services offered. 
4. Artists Obligations
The Artist shall provide Services (based on Clients provided inspiration looks) with due skill, time, diligence and care at the location, on the date and time agreed.
The Artist shall use their own products in the provision of the Services, unless otherwise agreed upon. If the Artist is unable to perform agreed Services for any unforeseeable reason, or unavoidable situation, the Artist agrees to assist in arranging for an equally qualified Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist/Assistant to complete the agreed upon Services for the same agreed upon terms of payment in accordance with this Agreement.
The Artist shall use appropriate sanitary practices.
The Artist shall be responsible for sub-contracting additional Makeup Artists/Hair Stylists/Assistants for large parties if needed in order to perform the Services required in an appropriate time frame in accordance with the Services provision.
5. Bookings
A start and end time will be arranged and scheduled. Please note that each service requires a certain minimum amount of time to be completed.
When reserving your date and time, book with this timing in mind (1hour/1.5 hours for makeup application services & 45 minutes to 1 hour for hair services). Any additional services outside this contract will only be performed at the discretion of the Artist. All persons involved in services need to be available at the scheduled times of said appointment, failure to do so may result in breach of this agreement. Services for more than one person must be at the same location.
6. Payment
The final balance is due upon completion of service(s) as a one payment, or cash payment. The Client identified in this agreement is responsible for the entire balance of payment.
Accepted forms of payment are either cash, Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, & Cashapp. For digital money transfer, the Artist will provide information for payment.
7. Deposit
There will be a $50 non-refundable deposit due when you book your appointment before the occasion. This is required to hold your date. This $50 will count towards the Clients' service purchase if the Client chooses to have services provided. The remaining balance will be due upon completion of services.
8. Cancelations
The Artist reserves the right to terminate this contract immediately for any breach of terms, and the contract will become void.  Day of service appointments cancelled by Client will not be eligible for a refund on deposits. If the Artist cancels this agreement for a reason other than breach at any time or is unable to perform the Services for any reason and is unable to find a replacement Artist, and if a trial service has not occured, the deposit paid will be fully refunded within two weeks upon cancellation. Client agrees that the refund of 100% of the deposit is the only liability to the Artist. No deposit refunds will be eligible after a trial has been performed. 
9. Travel/accommodation
The travel fee will be to location and returning from location - indicated on the clients invoice and is calculated as:
Any location within 10 miles of the Artist's base location in Enchanted Hills Rio Rancho,New Mexico will include no charges. Any locations outside of this 10 mile radius will be charged by the following:
10.1 miles - 15 miles = $15
15.1 miles - 20 miles =$20
20.1 miles - 30 miles = $30
30.1 miles - 40 miles = $40
40.1 miles - 50 miles = $50
50.1 miles - 75 miles = $75
75.1 miles - 100 miles = $100
100.1 miles - 150 miles = $150
150.1 miles - 200 miles = $200
Any location exceeding 200 miles $2 per every1 mile over the 200 mile radius in order to accomidate the Artist for driving/gas costs.
The Client is responsible for all valet parking, parking fees and toll fees.
All costs for travel to a booked event are to be paid by client. Costs may include, but not limited to: airfare, hotel, transportation and parking. A hotel is requested for anywhere 2.5 hours away from Artists location in Enchanted Hills, Rio Rancho, New Mexico.
A final invoice will be provided prior to service with a complete breakdown of all costs.
11. Limitation & Liability
The Client shall not hold the Artist liable and agree to indemnify Leah Ulibarri LJUMUHA for any harm, claim, loss, costs, damage, injury or product reaction to any person or property arising, either directly or indirectly, from the Artist’s performance, or any other reason whatsoever out of the Artists control.

All brushes, tools and makeup products are kept sanitary and are sanitised between makeup applications. Any skin condition or allergies should be reported by the Client to the Artist prior to application and, if need be, a patch test of makeup may be performed on the skin to test for a reaction. Client(s) agree to release the Artist from liability for any skin complications due to allergic reactions. If Client(s) have a serious skin/health conditions, the Artist will have to discontinue the service(s) due to hygiene complications.
I (Client) have read and understand the Terms and Conditions above. *
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